The upcoming television series “Dil Se Dil Tak” is dealing with the issues of surrogacy. The cast of this new television series include Rashami Desai, Sidharth Shukla and Jasmin Bhasin in the lead roles, say that the content of the serial on the small screen are changing for the better.
The team of “Dil Se Dil Tak”, feels that more complex and contemporary subjects are being explored these days to appeal to the younger generation. The upcoming series is a family drama focuses on the idea of using IVF to resolve the problem of infertility of modern couples and how the older generation of a traditional family accepts that.
“Television content is changing as it reflects the reality. In our show, we are portraying the usefulness of surrogacy and how modern young couples go through emotional and social ups and downs to deal with infertility,” told actress Jasmine Bhasin to IANS.
On it, actress Rashami Desai said, “I think there are three phases of changes that I have observed. When I was a kid and was just a part of the audience, the stories of TV serials were quite different from when I started my career in television.”
“Now, we explore on different subjects that are close to reality.” She added, if sequels for TV shows become a trend she would love to feature in that of “’Saans’, ‘Sailaab’ and ‘Hum Log’, they were my favourite TV shows in my growing up days”.
“We get to see more layers and complexity of modern relationships (nowadays), and that makes it an interesting watch and relatable to our audience,” said actor Sidharth Shukla.
The actors were in Delhi on Sunday for the promotion of their upcoming and admit that “people of Delhi are very welcoming and warmhearted”, Rashami recalled how once her fans mobbed her when she came to the city after her popularity in “Uttaran”.
“Dil Se Tak Tak”, went on-air last month on Colours channel.
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