Aamir Khan’s most intriguing, a horror thriller film ‘Talaash: The Answer Lies Within’ is set to be recreated as a television show. The film will be recreated in the episode of television show ‘Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya’ on Zing.
The episode will soon air on Zing featuring Anshul Pandey and Sara Khatri for the particular episode. When asked Anshul about it, he said, “I’m Aamir Khan’s fan and I’ve been inspired by all of his movies. Our episode will have a story similar to his movie ‘Talaash’. It’s completely male-centric so, I’ll get to show my acting skills more. Sara and my characters… We start growing feelings for each other after a few communications and meetings. And then we start dating and get intimate.”
“After a while, the twist comes as she disappears. The episode is full of love, romance, horror, and mystery,” he added. The movie was a masterpiece and it will be fun watching the recreated version of it as a TV episode.
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